Howard L. Minkoff, MD

Chair, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Maimonides Physician


Obstetrics &, Gynecology, Maternal-Fetal Medicine


English, Spanish

About Me

Howard L. Minkoff, MD, has chaired several NIH study sections, has had continuous federal research funding for 30 years, and has been a member of the organizing committees of, and a speaker at, three Consensus Development Taskforces (Cesarean Section by Choice, Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section, and Screening for Diabetes) of the US Public Health Service. For more than a decade, he served as the chair of the executive committee of the Women's HIV Study, the largest multicenter cohort study of HIV in the United States. He has been a national board examiner in obstetrics and gynecology and maternal-fetal medicine. He chaired the Program Committee of HealthRight and the perinatal safety committee of the Greater New York Hospital Association. He also served as vice-chair of ACOG's national ethics committee, and currently is vice-chair of the Documents committee. He previously served as President of the New York Obstetrical Society. He has edited four books, written over sixty book chapters, and over 400 peer reviewed publications. He is the recipient of the US Assistant Secretary of Health Award for his contributions to the care and research of HIV-Infected women in the United States.

Areas of Expertise

  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine
  • Obstetrics &
  • Gynecology


  • Routine OB-GYN Care
  • Gynecological Exams and Treatment


Medical Degree

Pennsylvania State University


SUNY Downstate


SUNY Downstate


SUNY Downstate


Obstetrics & Gynecology, Maternal& Fetal Medicine


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